The Yellow Emperor: A Time Lord?

The Yellow Emperor: A Time Lord?

This week we were blessed to have a great conversation with Roisin Golding about Chinese cosmology. As fans of the tv show Dr Who – Phi and Clare were both very excited to be discussing the idea that the Yellow Emperor could in fact be a Time Lord.


Time Lord or not – we discuss how Huang Di ascended to heaven, as described in the Su Wen:

In former times there was Huang Di. When he came to life, he had magic power like a spirit. While he was [still] weak, he could speak. While he was [still] young, he was quick of apprehension. After he had grown up, he was sincere and skillfull. After he had matured, he ascended to heaven.

(Unschuld and Tessenow – Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen: Annotated Translation, Chapter 1)

We talk about time as it applies to acupuncture, and some of the similarities and differences between Chinese cosmology and western astrology. And many more interesting ideas relating to observing the skies and timing of natural events.


You can find more information about Chinese cosmology and the stems and branches in Roisin’s book – which is a great read according to Clare who has this book in her clinic library. The book can be purchased here.


Roisin Golding has been practicing acupuncture for over 30 years, her clinic is located in London. She has lectured internationally and is currently consulting for the World Health Organisation as part of an international team of experts of acupuncture.

Phi and I would love to hear your thoughts on this episode: are you a doctor who fan?, do you work in conjunction with moon cycles, stems and branches? Please leave your comments on our Facebook page.

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