When Practitioners Get Sick

When Practitioners Get Sick

As practitioners we are always caring for others, but what happens when the practitioner gets sick?

Is illness a sign of weakness?

Why do practitioners find it so hard to ask for help?

Practitioners are human too but held to a much higher standard and expected to not succumb to illness 

Many practitioners become practitioners because of their own struggle with health 

Should practitioners use western medicine as well as TCM when treating themselves? 

Self care can often look like the opposite of “wellness”

The notion that healing shouldn’t hurt shows a dangerous mind set 

Who do I need to be to be well?

Healing is a journey and practitioners can be guides 

This week on Heavenly Qi Clare is joined by Dr. Randine Lewis, author of The Infertility Cure, and a leading expert in treating infertility conditions combining Eastern and Western based medicine. They’re talking all things practitioner wellness including why practitioners find it so hard to ask for help when they’re sick and the role of western medicine when treating yourself and others. 

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Sean Tuten and The Luos

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Body Image and Fertility Treatment